Sunday, February 13, 2005


An RSS Tool For Internet Marketing

An RSS Tool For The New Millennium

What Is RSS?

Depending on who you talk to, RSS can stand for 'Really Simple Syndication', 'Rich Site Summary' or probably other interpretations of the acronym, an RSS Tool are those that can deliver the technology where it is required.

RSS is simple technology that allows anyone to easily publish information from their web sites on to alert subscribers to the existence of new and fresh information.

If you thought that this was the domain of Autoresponders, then you would be correct; except that Autoresponders have been hit by the curse of Internet Marketing, SPAM complaints, and as a result, have become less and less efficient at delivering messages. RSS bypasses the email system altogether, and is completely SPAM free. If one of your readers has had enough of your news letter, then they just remove the feed in their feed reader. The user has complete control.

You as a publisher can also syndicate your information to other web masters using the RSS technology. Marketing articles are a well know source of traffic to web sites, and using an RSS tool to deliver the message is a very powerful way to deliver traffic to your web site.

What you also need to know is that the technology has been around for many years; dating back to its earliest incarnation in 1997. What you also should know is that the following entities are embracing and exploiting this technology

• Google

• Yahoo

• Microsoft

• Amazon


• Apple

• eBay

The question is, can you afford to be left behind?

What RSS Tool Is Available?

The focus of this article is really on two uses for RSS Tools. One has been broached on above, in that it can be used as a replacement for an Autoresponder, bypassing the email system completely, which has got to be good news.

The other is as a means of delivering content to your web site, which, if done correctly, is a means of getting targeted traffic. Once your site has been spidered by the search engines, RSS can deliver fresh content by means of taking feeds from other sites. As long as you choose sites which have themed content, you will have fresh themed content on your web site.

And the search engines will love it, period.

RSS is a very powerful weapon for you.

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