Tuesday, December 14, 2004


Starting a Low Cost or No Cost Marketing Strategy

Those new to Internet Marketing will be well aware of the diverse and numerous sources of information regarding the business world that you now find your self in.

The purpose of this marketing course, is to give everyone an effective on-line marketing system that doesn't cost the earth (it costs next to nothing), but is simple to implement.

It leads you step by step to a collection of programs that you can choose to promote, which all feature multiple income opportunities, something that is critical to my on-line success. Promoting multiple programs with a single url makes so much sense.

Many systems that I have seen use similar methods to those that I am going to outline for you, but you need to be a rocket scientist in order to follow the instructions through to the end ........

.... and they charge you for it!

This system is simple (and there is no charge).

There is some work involved though. The trade off for it being cheap, is that it is going to take up some of your time.

However, rest assured, that once it is set up, it works easily, with only a little maintenance.

And it works.

It works for me, and if you follow the instructions, I am sure that it will work for you.

I have worked out that you can do ALL of your marketing in between 30 minutes and 3 hours a day. It's not too painful is it? And I will give you some bullet points at the end for you to follow so that you can get into the swing of it easily.

Something We Need to Get Straight First

There is something that you need to understand before you rush headlong into this.

You will be running a business here.

The good news is that an online business is not quite that same as a real world business. It is far, far cheaper to run. There are no real overheads.

Having said that though, it is imperative that you still view your venture as a business, and remember that you are in it to make a profit. In order to do that, there are some guidelines that you need to bear in mind.

Some Guidelines to Follow

Yes, it is exciting, and yes it is possible to make a living from it. I do, and if you follow what I show you, I am sure that you will too. However, there are some rules that you need to bear in mind. If you don't, then in my opinion, you are asking for trouble.

I don't want you to fail, and I am sure that you don't either.

So here are some guidelines.

  1. Find a good program to promote as outlined in the previous lesson, and do not get sidetracked with every little new thing that comes along. Failure to focus on your primary business is probably the most common reason for failure in the Internet marketing world.

    If you don't have a business to promote, then I will recommend some that do well for me, at the end of the series.

    If you have some programs to promote already, take a long hard look at them!
  2. Do the programs that you are promoting have a real and tangible product? If you took the compensation plan away, would they stand up on their own? If not, then you should seriously think about dispensing with them.
  3. Have they made anything for you so far? It's not the end of the world if they haven't, because I would guess that you have had trouble promoting them (I guess that's why you are here after all). But, if you HAVE made some signup's (through other members spillover for example), then that would be a good reason to stick around.
  4. If you have needed help, has the Company or your upline tried to be helpful?

    Or have they fobbed you off with half baked answers, or made you feel foolish?

    Or worse, they have not answered your emails at all! If they have done ANY of these things, then throw them out! They do not deserve your support.

As a side note to this, and you have had some downline members, then make the effort to help them. If you cannot answer questions, then try and find out the answers and get back to them.

This marketing and promotion system that you are reading about will work for anything. Just choose the programs you promote carefully. The programs that I will recommend work for me, and they will work for you as well.

Most of this course, focuses on free or low cost marketing. However, please be prepared to invest something to start, and maybe a little more as you start to become successful. Remember the comparison to running a business in the real world, where you would probably have had to spend thousands of dollars already, before you took a step out of the door. And then you would be faced with bills mounting to thousands a month.

Not so here, in the Internet world.

However, if you cannot invest in yourself, then I am afraid that you will struggle.

I am very confidant that anyone who follows these instructions to the letter, will cover their costs in a reasonable space of time.

To put this in perspective, if you were attempting to start a similar business in the real world, you could expect to have to invest $1000's up front, and expect to pay many hundreds if not thousands of dollars EVERY MONTH, in overheads (such as office rent). I doubt that you will have to spend even $100 up front marketing online, and some tens of dollars every month.

The costs bear no comparison, do they?.

The Internet is perhaps some people's ONLY chance of running a business. You should watch what you spend, but be prepared to invest, wisely.

The same principals apply online as they do off-line though.

You must be prepared to invest in yourself.

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