Tuesday, December 07, 2004


One Thing You Must Do If You Want To Succeed Online

Ok, so you have been struggling to make an income from your online efforts. Most of us have been there. The expenses have been racking up, and the income has not been meeting the expenses.

You're running at a loss!

Yikes! A recipe for business disaster (online or off line).

But Wait! What if you .....

Turn Your Expenses Into Income Opportunities

I am a great believer in lateral thinking. Thinking outside the box. Whatever you would like to call it. So let's slow down for a moment here, and think about this again ....

Ok, we are online, right?

And most of the programs that you belong to, have affiliate programs, right? Now I don't mean your core business, the main one that you are promoting.

What about all of the others?

Without knowing how you go about promoting your business online, it's difficult for me to be specific about what YOU do. I can, however, be specific about what I do, and what works for me. I use Safelists, and I use FFA leads. And they work great for me.

But there must be about 6 or 7 of these types of programs, all of which come up with monthly bills that I have to meet in order to keep on promoting my main program. 6 or 7 monthly bills, for 1 measly monthly income.

It doesn't seem very balanced, does it?

Well, it's not, if you think of it like that. But, what was it I was saying about thinking outside the box? What if those 6 or 7 bills that I am paying, were in fact, 6 or 7 more income opportunities?


So, instead of getting 6 or 7 bills and one stream of income a month, I got 8 or 9 streams of income? So let's carry on this though process for a moment. I am sure that you understand the need for tools such as Autoresponders, Ad Tracking, Submitters, Lead Sources and everything else that you need to make your business work efficiently.

They all cost money too don't they?

But stop for a second, stop thinking of these as expenses for a second, think of them as opportunities. That's right, each of the tools that I have mentioned is an opportunity to build your online business and your earnings.

"How can that be? It's all money going out?"

Well, that's true. But, what if in your business, you were able to tell people in your organisation about all of the tools that you use, and how good they are, and how to use them ....

Ok, can you see the picture? You can teach others to use the tools that you are using. Can you see the benefit in that? What would you think of someone who showed you step by step the things that you needed to do to be a success online?

Well I am sure that you would be grateful. And would also trust them enough to try out the tools that they recommended?

Right! Can you see where I am going with this?

So, you are now in a position where you can show people how to market as you have done, all from one location! That's correct. You don't need to send out different ads for all of the programs that you are in, nor all of the tools you are using. You just tell them about 1 url, and that program does the rest for you, promoting all of your tools at one time as well.

How easy is that?

It is truly promoting multiple programs, and generating multiple income streams .....

..... from a single URL.

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